Big Wheel Magazine Review
Mau Maus – Scorched Earth Policies
May 21, 2012
Wow! After a number of years in hiding The Mau Mau’s have resurfaced as a top LA punk act to be reckoned with. This release new for spring 2012 is retrospect of sort’s disc where half the tracks come from a 1983 recording session and the newer half from just a few months ago.
What you get is an awesome collection of tracks that distinguish this band as one of LA’s trashiest rock and roll bands of all time. The early recordings best of all were produced by Doors guitarist Robbie Krieger and will leave a lasting impression on even the snootiest of punks, this is the real deal and nothing less. The newer tracks are also quite amazing as well proving this band is back with energy and ready to tear up clubs with new sleazy anthems for the young and old alike. Had Johnny Thunders been from LA he likely would have played guitar and done tons of drugs with Mau Mau’s, that hypothetical scenario is reason enough to pick up this disc out on Ratchet Blade Records. Do yourself a favor and get on this!
The tracks; Psychotic, Dead Or Alive, Laugh track, Rectum of Neffertitti, Sex & The Single Sniper and Puberty are worth the cost of this cd and side 2 is guaranteed not to let you down. Crank it up!
-Louie Bones-
Big Wheel Staff Journalist